Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mizzou vs. KU

After Thanksgiving, Derrick and I came home on Friday, got some things done around the house, and prepared to leave for KC later that night! Instead of mounting the deer Derrick shot this year, he decided to do a skull mount. Which means, that he must boil it on our stove...disgusting!!!We went to KC for the Mizzou vs. KU game Saturday, with Derrick's sister, Mindy and her husband Andy. They had gotten us tickets so we could join them. The Mizzou game was awesome!!! It was a great game and we had great seats! Tailgating was really fun, too! We got to the stadium at 10:30a, grilled brats, and threw back a few cold ones!
The four of us at the game!
We had awesome seats!
We headed back on Sunday when we got up around 9a, we wanted the day to get stuff done! I finished most of the decorating for Christmas (will post pics soon) and Derrick and Wilson are down stairs mounting the TV to the wall, and installing track lighting in the ceiling! So excited about both of those!

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