Sunday, November 8, 2009

*Productive Weekend*

When I say productive, I mean I/my dad/my mom got a lot of things done around my house!! My dad finished painting our office, we got my new (and awesome) curtains hung (I love them ;) and I did a lot of hanging period. Today, I hads tons of energy when I woke, so I went to church and stopped by Panera on my way home for a coffee and came home to find myself doing little projects around the house. I kept getting these ideas so I headed to Target to pick up some black shelving and a bulletin board. When I got home I hung those and our diplomas. I am getting really good at using the big Dewalt drill. I've come to the conclusion that I love doing handy things around my house. It gives me a weird sense of girl power!!!
On Saturday, I was up early and at the gym for my first spin class EVER! I absolutely loved it and can't wait to do it again this week. Like I mentioned, my parents and Gram came over and my mom brought pizza and a pumpkin cupcake for me from an O'Fallon bakery (I had been craving anything pumpkin, I even made pumkin oatmeal the other night...I think it's the time of the year...) My mom and I ran to Bed, Bath & Beyond to pick up a curtain rod and then hung out the rest of the day. Later in the evening I attended a trivia night at Vianney highschool with some of my friends! There was over 700 people at this trivia night, so to say the least, we didn't win :(

Derrick arrived home from hunting around 3pm, and I ran to Home Depot quickly...I decided (after weeks of thinking about it) what to do with my bathroom in the basement. I decided on a glossy gray. Since I have white cabinets, I think the gray is going to look awesome! I will post pics after it is painted. For dinner tonight we made a tray of nachos - and they were tasty, a perfect Sunday comfort meal!
I also got some GREAT news this cousin Cory and his fiance Krystal are going to have a sweet, sweet little Smith at the end of June/early July!!!!! They are so excited and happy! This is the first great-grandbaby in our family!!! Congratulations to Cory & Krystal!

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