Sunday, December 27, 2009

Another Great Christmas!

My parents house was relaxing on Christmas Day and the food was delicious. My mom made beef wellington and it was wonderful. After dinner, we headed down to Ste. Genevieve for the Stewart family Christmas. On Saturday, we opened gifts, had dinner, and played card games and another game that if you won, you got a gift card to a restaurant. Derrick won one round so we get to go to Red Lobster some time!The boys in their matching shirts (Andy, Jonny, Mike, Matt, Lincoln, and Derrick)

On Sunday, Mike & Sandy had a surprise for all of the adults. We headed into town (still not knowing what we were doing) and ended up at the Culinary school. The surprise was that we all made a big meal as a family and then ate it! Everyone had a different dish to make and it was all really good. The kids stayed home with a baby sitter, so it was a nice afternoon for the big kids! It was a really nice weekend, and we even saw some snow!

Derrick chopping up our apples for our apple tart!
Kim and I ;)

The gang after eating!

Derrick and I had a really great first Christmas together with the Smith family & Stewart family!


Mallory said...

Looks like you guys had a great 1st Christmas together...congrats on the car! :) I love the idea of the cooking class too!

Unknown said...

The new pup is so adorable... Bryan wants a bulldog so bad. And I LOVE your car. I have had my eye on those Commanders for awhile, they are sharp! Looks like you had a great Christmas.... hope you have a Happy New Year!