Friday, January 29, 2010

Everyone needs a cocktail in the middle of the week!

Isn't that the truth? Provo to you, if you don't, but I usually need one! Nothing extreme, just a little one. Wednesday evening was a fun night with the girls, Julie's sister came over with her Silpada jewelry and we had fun looking, trying on, and purchasing!

We did have some cocktails - and everyone is enjoying Brandy and I's newest concoction - vodka, diet squirt ( I know...weird, right?) and fresh limes. It is the most refreshing drink EVER. I can't get enough of it.

Amy was able to come and also bring her little monkey, Jackson. He is getting so big, he is 15 months and so cute. Him and Beetles got a long so good! It was a nice night with some of my girl friends!

I can't believe another weekend is here, the weeks have really been flying by. Have a great weekend everyone :)

1 comment:

Mallory said...

I always have to open a bottle of wine at least 1 night a week! That drink sounds amazing!! We drank vodka & "Ting" in Jamaica and that's like a grapefruit refreshing! I will have to try yours.