Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday - Favorite Names

Some of my blogger friends follow a blog called 'the undomestic momma' and every week she creates fun posts. This week - top 2 names. This is difficult because there are so many cool names out there nowadays.

GIRL - Omg...this is harder than I thought...here's a couple I really like: Mary-Jane (we would call her MJ - I think it's so classy and adorable), Reagan, Harper, or Sloan (I think Sloan is an awesome name, but could be hard to pronouce with all the SSS'sss.

BOY - Urban, August (Augi), Jamieson.

I want our children to have interesting first names because our last name is STEWART! Very common, and I'm coming from SMITH - even more common! These names are just ideas, when we do decide to have kids, I'm sure I will have 10 other different names I love.

Good think I'm not pregnant so I don't have to decide now what we are going to name our kids NOW!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a fun blog! I love the name Reagan... it's my next "girl name" even though I pray to God we have a boy... but not for awhile:)