Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Productivity & Prioritizing!

I usually workout in the middle of the day because my boss is amazing and we workout at the Chase Park Plaza, which is also amazing! So, today I was doing my cardio thinking about things and how things have really evolved in the past year and how much I've grown up. But then I really started to think about how productive I can be and what my highest priorities are. Right now, my first priority (besides friends & family) is work. I really love my job and want to do well and be successful. Today I argued back and forth with myself whether to workout in the middle of the day or after work. When I was working out I became so happy because I was getting it out of the way now so after work I have so much more time to relax and hang out! Ever since I graduated and started working a 'real job' time is limited and hard to find. Life is nothing like it used to be. Just six months ago, I was living in a house with five girls in Cape Girardeau, bartending, going out ALL THE TIME!, and doing whatever I wanted...when I wanted :) It truly was...THE LIFE! However, I was so ready to get out and stay out! I had a good four years there and now it's nice to visit.

Since time is limited and so precious these days, I really have to schedule errands and actually complete them, because I don't want to do them on the weekends!...due to there being so many other exciting things than dropping my clothes of at the drycleaners. Now I am a big girl, going to big girl meetings, paying for bills, and living with my awesome fiance! It's pretty cool to be on my own, I like it...I like the responsibility.

I'm excited to leave work tonight because I'm going to run to the grocery store quickly and make my fiance a special dinner... lately he has been working hard and doing well at work. He's going to be very surprised and happy because he loves food!!! Ha!!! Another reason I can't wait to get home is to see my puppy dog! I always feel so welcomed when I get home because I am the center of her social life and sometimes she even pees the floor she's so excited. Don't get me wrong though, Derrick pees the floor when he sees me because of his excitement too...

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