Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday : Saturday : Sunday

This weekend was full of unique events, things I typically never do. However, it was fun! Friday night started with a long run with Julie at the gym. Earlier in the day, Julie had reserved movie tickets for a couple of us to see 'Paranormal Activity.' This is the demanded movie that St.Louis demanded it be brought to our city. It only cost $15,000 to make and it was SUPER scary!! I probably didn't watch 1/2 of it due to my face being buried in my scarf. And the worst part - I had to come home to our house by myself :( (Derrick was hunting.) I am not that big of a scary movie person. Below: Me and Beetle just hanging on Saturday morning!
Saturday : I got up early, ran some errands, cleaned my house, laundry, and relaxed. Around 3 p.m. I met my friend and 5K partner, Brandy over at her house. I successfully ran my first 5K Saturday in the Pumpkin Brew race in Tower Grove Park. Honestly, it went really well. Brandy and I talked the entire time and the first 2 miles went by very fast. We had a really good strong finish as well. I am really happy I did it, and also happy that I had such a good partner to run along side of. After our run, we got a free pumpkin brew, which was delicious. We started to get pretty hungry and went to Weber's in Webster Groves for dinner. We had a nice girls' night and chatted about a lot.

Sunday : I got up early, headed to church, and then landed right back on the couch with a huge bowl of oatmeal. Derrick got home and we went to Dierbergs to get supplies for dinner. My brother and his girlfriend came out to have dinner and hangout with us. It's always good to see them especially to see how fast they have both healed from their accident. Nhi is walking again!
Taco Ring was successful - a Jane Smith speciality.
I have to run - my husband claims he has been 'bored' all day, so I am going to take him to rent movies. He's yelling down the stairs right now as I type...
Stay warm ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didn't know you were a runner! That's great. I'm doing a 5K this coming Saturday... it's a Pumpkin Run in chesterfield. Feel free to join! The more the merrier:)