Friday, November 20, 2009

A night out with Derrick - Finally!

Yes, we do live together. However, that doesn't mean we spend every waking moment together, hardly...

In fact, the past week was really busy for the both of us. We each had an event on an opposite night this week, but we didn't go to each other's events. On Wednesday, Derrick's company was recognized for one of the top 25 companies in St. Louis. He was really excited for his company, but more importantly because he got invitied to attend the dinner with a table of 10! On Thursday, I made my way down to the Sheldon for a Blues and Bling event that my work helped sponsor. Kim Massie performed (amazing) and they had all this awesome, expensive jewerly to look at and try on (double amazing!) I met my boss, and the two other awesome ladies I work with there (it's just the four of us on our little rockin team!) Kim Massie is a wonderful blues singer from St. Louis. She performs a lot at Jazz in the Park in the summer. Anyway - I got out of there around 9ish and headed to the Central West End to meet my husband at Sub Zero for some cocktails. It was like we were dating again...we drove in separate cars and everything! We haven't been out together in a really long time, literally! Sub Zero had a really good band going too. Now the exciting part (not so much for me, but...for Derrick)...while we were sitting there having a good conversation I watch Derrick's eyes linger, and all of a sudden Derrick goes, "Hey Oshie, nice goal tonight man." And then they slapped hands like old friends. For the next ten minutes of my life (which I will never get back) Derrick was a giddy 5-year-old. He was so excited to see TJ Oshie from the St. Louis Blues 3ft away from us at Sub Zero. I am just stunned that kid is 22 years-old and playing great hockey for the Blues. It was pretty neat.

I was just happy to be out with Derrick for a night! It was fun!

Now, just having a glass of red on this Friday night, catching up on some work. I have a very fun Saturday and Sunday planned - STEELERS in KC!!!! Can't wait - to see Coach Tomlin!

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