And it is. Wow, what a weekend. One of the best weekends I have had since the wedding! It was me, my dad, mom, and brother who headed to Kansas City on Saturday afternoon to watch the Steeler vs. Chiefs game on Sunday. Well, we thought we were going to watch the game, turns out we got to do a lot more than that! We were staying at the Hyatt Recency downtown KC, and had no idea that the Steelers were staying in the same hotel!!! When we arrived for check in, Steeler fans were everywhere, and all crowded around this hallway. I went up to someone and said, "What are we waiting for?" and he replied, "The Steelers are going to be walking through any minute!" We got to see the entire team, coaches, announcers, everyone walk by! It was awesome. There one thing you have to understand, my dad knows the Steelers entire history from day 1, both of my parents were born and raised in Pittsburgh, so for them this was really cool.

The above picture has a great story. After watching the team walk by, we went up to our room, got ready to head to the Plaza, and got in the elevator. There was a man standing in the elevator and as my dad walked in he said, "How ya doin sir?" (In this Pitt accent..) My dad turned to the three of us and introduced us to Mr. Rooney, the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers. He said, "This is Mr. Rooney" and after that we all knew. I couldn't pass the opportunity up to ask for a picture for my dad and brother. (These were all taken on my iPhone, that's why the picture isn't great.) It was so cool!

Later, in the evening, we ran into Magic Johnson, also staying in our hotel! Along with Larry Bird!!

Branden and I at 810 Zone on the Plaza for dinner. The Plaza is awesome - we didn't do much shopping, however, my mom and I did go into Restoration Hardware and fell in love.

Game day! Me with one of our three Terrible Towels!

Mom and I waiting in the lobby to go to the game!

We had amazing seats!

Steelers warming up.

After the game - lost in overtime, great game though.

Family picture at the game! Such a fun family weekend!!!
Everyone always says 'no matter where you go you'll always find Steeler fans' and it is so true, there are no fans, like Steeler fans!
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a fun weekend! It's funny how we take family time for granted when we are young and living at home... once you leave and it doesn't happen very often it becomes so very special. I think it's great you all got away like that! Happy early Thanksgiving!
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