Wednesday, January 20, 2010 be 6 again!

This past weekend, we headed to Springfield to celebrate Eva Kay's 6th birthday. Kids get so excited about turning a different age, having their friends over, and like Eva says, "I'm a whole hand and a finger!" We started the day off with a breakfast casserole that I made...everyone said it was my best one yet! Then, Eva's little girlfriends started arriving and us girls went and saw 'Princess and the Frog.' I'm not a cartoon person, but the movie was cute...if you're 6!!! We did cake and presents back at the house, and hung out.

Matt, Derrick, Kim and I went to the grocery store to get a bunch of stuff to make for dinner. As always, we had a huge meal and it was delicious. We hung out the rest of the night with some cocktails and stories. Sandy, Kim, and I chatted up stairs, while the boys were downstairs watching sports, and probably some hunting shows...go figure.

Mike, Sandy, Derrick, and I left extra early Sunday morning, so when Derrick and I got home we took the cars to get washed, and waited for my parents to come over for dinner. We had a nice time, watched some football, and I played with little Sophia the majority of the time. That bulldog rocks!

Already, I can't believe it is Wednesday! After a good workout last night, Derrick and I went to Panera for dinner, came home, and watched our favorite, Biggest Loser!!! It's starting to get good! So ready for the weekend, we've got some fun things going on!

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Fun weekend! I had a meeting last night so I had to DVR BL...can't wait to watch it tonight!!