Saturday, February 6, 2010


I was so excited to start the weekend - Derrick was planning a date night for us! I came home, showered and got ready, and we were out the door by 6:15. Derrick would not tell me where we were headed!! That type of stuff drives me CRAZY! Anyway - we arrived at SAGE in Soulard. This restaurant is hidden in between the Anheuser Busch buildings. We had a drink at the bar before we were seated. While we were sitting at the bar, we constructed this absolutely INSANE plan for next will have to stay tuned to see if if actually happens!!! (It probably will.)

Sage had a modern/chic look to it. After we were seated, we ordered another cocktail and an appetizer, calamari, which was very good. For our entrees, I had tuna with jasmine rice and Asian style veggies, and Derrick had the escolar special. Our food was good, not great :( However, we did have a really great time together! We hadn't seen a lot of each other this past week, so it was nice.

This Saturday was a productive and full of friends! I started my morning with a sculpt class at the gym, grocery store (supplies for the Superbowl!) and then over to Julie's new house with Derrick to help unload. Julie's house is great! Afterward, I ran to the Galleria to exchange a pair of pants, and came home to visit with JMob, McNamera, Brandy, and Cole. I choose to stay in on this extremely COLD Saturday night, Derrick went to a concert at the Pagent with JMob. I have been cooking, cleaning, laundry and enjoying the QUIET time...Beetle is too, Cole wore her out - a 5-year-old will do that to a dog!

We have a really fun Sunday planned, can't wait. Hoping to SPIN early in the AM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren-I love your blog! I just started one myself!

It can be addicting! Hope all is well! I miss ya!