Monday, September 13, 2010

Mizzou vs. Illini

It has been a very busy end of the summer...and I have been very lazy when it comes to my blog :) Maybe once things slow down, I will get better about blogging...but that is, once things actually slow down!Last weekend we were fortunate enough to score some tickets to the Mizzou game downtown St. Louis! My mom got the tickets and we had a fabulous time. I wish we would have had time to tailgate but the game was an early one starting at 11:30 a.m. and I was busy in the morning. It was a great game, not that I watched that much of it, considering my mom and I were chatting throughout the entire thing ;)
Afterward, we headed back to our house for burgers and drinks...that's right I watched my intake considering it was such an early morning...
The dogs even had fun too!

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Tagged you in a little fun post on my blog!