Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lo Vernier Rocks!

I had not seen my friend Lo in so long, so we planned to have lunch today at Schlafly Bottleworks, and we were both so excited. Lo kept telling me she had a lot to tell me, so I couldn't wait and was really looking forward to this. To make a long story short, Lo has excepted a new position with Gliks in Granite City, IL as an Assistant Buyer, and Marketing Associate!!!

She had her final interview this morning and found out she got the job!!! This is a great opportunity for her and it is doing something she will really enjoy, considering her major was Fashion Merchandising! I am so happy for her, and she is so happy as well :) The other exciting thing, is that she is moving into Julie's house that Julie just purchased! (App. one mile from us!) We were talking about how things can happen SO fast and how things just FALL into place. It's overwhelming, yet so exciting you almost forget how scary it could be!

Congratulations to Lo for nailing such an awesome job! You deserve it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now that sounds like a fun job... good for her!